Friday, August 29

Please come true..

So last night's post was quite short on the engagement ey?
Well, it went like this.

We all stayed at home and waited for Grands to tell that they're on the way to Mentiri.
So around 8ish we - Mum, Dad, ae, ae's and I - left home and waited by the side of the road at the Mentiri highway. And convoyed with two coaches and bibi to Ka Ezan's place.

It was raining heavily that we - ae, ae's and I - was drainfully wet. Nyehh..
Then the ceremony started with prayers and telling what's the purpose of coming.
It was quite a small ceremony, nothing grand - yet!

So it all went well and left around 9ish? Headed home and ae told me to get chou yen. And i drove all the way to nearest shop to get chou yen. And yeah.. that's about it.

Stayed online until 1 i guess. Was kind of feeling like shit. Talked a bit with Feeqs, Zai and Koo. And i don't know what had gone into me, i was crying my heart out last night. Until i had this dream, which i smiled to, seriously, i was smiling. I felt it. I felt that i was smiling.

All because my dream was so sweet. Azmil was there. He came over. He apologised and everything. Wants to work things out and he surprised me with a gift. The gift was awesome! It was the phone I've been wanting. The Sony Ericsson G900. *drools* Sigh. If only my dream came true huh?

Well as the saying goes by Cinderella " A dream is a wish your heart makes."
and as John Mayer would say.. "When you're dreaming with a broken heart The waking up is the hardest part.."

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