Sunday, August 24


What a night. So i headed out to meet Min for a bit around 7, and talked a bit.
Left her place to head to Ratners and went to Gadong met up Koo and John.

We - me, Ratners and Koo headed to Bunut, met up with Rio for a bit.
We left Bunut around 1030 and the rain kept on pouring down.

First stop Empire check out the scene there and it was dead.
So we decided to go down to Angel Beach.
Convoyed with John down to Tutong.

There met most of the TTS Seniors and two cousins.
The night was awesome. Me and Koo sent Ratners back around 2ish.
And i ended up going back to Angel Beach with Koo.
Before that we met up with Azmi and Zul in Gadong.
Then only we - Me Koo convoyed with Azmi down to Angel Beach.

And the party didn't stop. It was 345ish and it was still on.
And me and Koo decided to leave around 6a.m.

I crashed at Koo's. Had this heart-to-heart talk because i was "ending".
I was really deep. Its been awhile since i had a decent talk with someone.
It was really nice to actually talk about it and the background music
was alright. I mean it made the talk scene even nicer. And dozed off around 9.
I woke up around 12ish and bounced from Koo's and headed home.

It was a great night though.

And at home, i had to force myself to pack some of his clothes and put it
in a box, along with the one year gift. I'm a little messed up.
Trying so hard to indulge reality.
I don't want to, but i guess its the only way?

One day, Some day.

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