Sunday, June 27


Congratulations to them inliners, for taking the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place
at the DiGi Live Tour Extreme in KK!

Saturday, June 26

Random Rants.

Second post of the day. That's how bored I am at work at the moment.

The world is getting weirder each and everyday, after talking to a friend yesterday, its safe to say, you can't trust anyone wholeheartedly, no matter how close you've been, cause every each and one of us will somehow stab each other in the back for some reason.

The world is getting cruel with everyone. I've noticed that all of my circle of friends are dispersing away from each other for either good or bad reasons, we can't help but outgrow our own lifestyle, how we socialize and shit. But its good to know, some people do try to keep in touch.

Oh, summer holiday started already, and you know what that means!

Before I Get Too Lazy.

And so, I finally decided to type something today, even though there's pretty much nothing to talk about. The mister's off to KK yesterday, Mum and Dad came back from Perth yesterday and here I am pirating away in the office.

I have been doing great so far. Its my third month of working, never thought it has been that long. Probation's gonna be over pretty soon, and I hope that I can take leave at the end of next month. I'm still gonna try and go for that Bangkok trip! I so need a vacation!

World Cup's on going, who are you rooting for? I'm not too sure, but I was supporting Portugal but they're out already, and I'm left with rooting for Spain and Brazil. Well I hope these two teams meet at the finals. That's so gonna be one chaotic game.

So, what's new world?

Wednesday, June 2