Saturday, October 31

Friday, October 30


Things have rather been alright so far, with things to do after exams I can say I'm a little prepared for the world. So far, I've got three merits from three subjects and I am happy with it. I must say, been out a lot and I must say things are far different from last year. Met up with a good friend last night and it always always reminds me of how everyone met. Its always nice to feel that you've got friends behind your back supporting you without you realising and helping you out in many ways to get you somewhere.

I like it here, I do not know how to face it next year if I have to leave. *sighs

Wednesday, October 28

Over and Done!

It is finally over. The reading, the revising, the rewriting, the answering, the spilling of brain juices, everything is done! Finally!

To top my day today, some of the results came out and I am happily satisfied with them.

Well off to catch up with sleep.

All Nighter.

I seriously need some sleep, but that would mean risking time to try and wake up and read again, which I doubt will happen.

That concludes pulling an all nighter.

Sustainable Tourism

"..development that meets the needs of present without compromising the activity of the future generation to meet their own needs" Brundtland Report, 1987.

It means that it helps to create a better life for the present population in a way that it is viable for the future generation to use as well.

There are 9 Principles of Sustainable Tourism;

  1.  It covers all scope concerning from environment, economic, social, cultural. political as well as mangerial.
  2. Long term thinking, making awareness of the limits to what is being achieve.
  3. Introductory of a proper policy, planning and management in tourism development.
  4. Emphasizing on limitations and recognizing its limits.
  5. Consulting stakeholders on decision making, encourage exchanges as well as compromising over the use of resources.
  6. Recognizing and supporting the identity of development, seek the interest of local as far as possible
  7. Identifying a proper area to be utilized for economic benefit
  8. Minimizing environmental and cultural issues and impacts
  9. Maintaining tourist satisfaction.
Three Dimension of Sustainable Tourism includes; Environmental, Socioculture, Economic = Stability of Destination

Environmental is defined as a relation to the natural surrounding and the implication of human activity on its condition which includes the natural and building components.

The quality of an environment is important for the success of tourism destination as well as for the residents and tourists. There are many attractions being built for tourist which generates environmental impacts.

Environmental Impacts can be divided into two:

Positive Impacts which covers:
  • Conservation ; important natural areas, archaeological and historic sites, architectural character.
  • Improvement ; environmental quality, infrastructure
  • Enhancement of environment
  • Increasing environmental awareness
Negative Impacts:
  • Pollution; air, water, noise and visual
  • Waste disposal problems
  • Ecological disruptions
  • Damage to archaeological and historical sites
  • Land use problems
Tourism can be harmful to the environment but at the same time it is beneficial as it motivates the stakeholders to conserve resources. Raising awareness and providing new uses for neglected buildings by developing new attractions.

Socio-culture denotes the community of people living in a particular country with attitudes and behavior which characterizes them in a social group.

It tends to be given less attention as it does not give an immediate impact to tourism.

Advantages and Disadvantages;
  • Heritage
Benefits; improvement in quality, greater attention paid to conserve
Negative; constructing without traditional architectural styles, theft of artifacts, censorship (not to upset tourists)

  • Language
Benefits; interest in conversing local language if seen as an attraction
Negative; introduction of foreign words, pressured locals to converse with tourist whom are unable to speak the local language

  • Religion
Benefits; growth in respect
Negative; loss of spirituality at religious sites

  • Traditional Arts
Benefits; new markets, renewal of traditional art form
Negative; pressure of replacing and modifying crafts to meet the demand

  • Traditional Lifestyle
Benefits; increases awareness
Negative; growing influence of foreign media, new eating habits.

  • Values and Behaviour
Benefits; adopting positive aspects of tourist
Negative; growth of crime, reduces level of personal morality

  • Host Population
Benefits; in-migration of dynamic people to the community, reduces depopulation
Negative; domination by immigrants

Demonstration effect; exposure of locals to foreign lifestyle which has an impact on local's expectations and lifestyle of their own.

Social Dimensions; (Swarbrooke 1999)

  • Equity; stakeholders being treated equally
  • Equal opportunities; both employees and the industry
  • Ethnics; honest with tourist and ethical in dealing with suppliers
  • Equal Partners; serving as equal as partners not as inferiors
Melayu Islam Beraja; a country ruled according to an established Islamic values and traditions by the Monarch - Society, Culture, National and Religion

Economic as the wealth and resources of a country, in terms of production and consumption of goods and services.

It is said to be the primary reason of developing tourism in an area, where it provides main force for tourism development as well as having an experienced growth in service sectors when traditional manufacturing sectors decline.

  • Job creation
  • Increase income to local economy
  • Helps local business
  • Regenerates and reconstructs economies when other sources are in decline
  • Stimulates investments
  • Low paid and seasonal jobs
  • Opportunity cost; money invested in tourism cannot be used for other purposes
  • Congestion
  • Need of investing expensive infrastructure which is required for part of the year (Sepang F1 Circuit)
  • Over dependence on tourism, host economy becomes vulnerable to changes in tourism market.
Multiplier Effect; income which circulates around the local economy in series of waves with the aim to maximize tourist expenditure and minimizing leakages of tourism income from local economy.

High leakage usually occurs in developing countries with the lack of expertise and heavy importing eg. Brunei.
Low leakage usually occurs in developed countries as they have expertise and secondary production.

Towards economically viable form of tourism;
  • optimizing economic benefits while minimizing economic costs
  • ensuring the wide spread of benefits among the economically disadvantaged sections of local population
  • ensuring fair payment price for tourist's holiday experience
  • sharing the cost of attracting and meeting the needs of tourist fairly
  • protecting local business from unfair competitions
  • reducing leakages from local economy
Stakeholders needs to be balanced as there is no point having policy of sustainability development of none anticipate with the policy. It is difficult to reach agreement with stakeholders due to there are many stakeholders involved in sustainable tourism development field.

A sustainable destination will recognize of satisfying all stakeholders in the long term, only several stakeholders have both compatible and conflicting interest.

Destination Stakeholders includes;
  • Indigenous people who are the most important stakeholders as they live and work at the destination and provides resources to visitors. It is important to involve the local community in decision making and ensuring tourism does not bring unacceptable impacts to local people and their home
  • Tourists in search of a satisfying experience with high quality service and well managed and organised destinations
  • The industry being responsible of existing development and seeks adequate return on investment
 The industry;

Global Player; multinational, well resourced with capital, expertise and power. Often have limited interest and commitment to destinations.

Niche Player; traditionally small, family based with lack of capital, expertise, qualified human resource and influence of the destination.

don't mind me, i've got the toughest paper to revise for, and i am deeply in need of sleep. *sighs

Tuesday, October 27


...and that's my boyfriend, partner in crime, happiness and not forgetting love.
(talk about being obsessed)

Sunday, October 25


I love you.

Saturday, October 24

Three More.

Today was Introduction to Management, I managed to give answers to the required questions. I just hope this paper lands a Merit.

Tour Operation's result came out today, and I manage to bag myself a Merit. One down, six more results to go.

As of now, I am in need of some rest before doing another revision. Have a great weekend, cause I have a feeling I will. *smiles

17th October - Tour Operations 0830-1010
22nd October - Event Management - 0830-1010
24th October - Introduction to Management - 0830-1010

26th October - World Tourism - 0830-1010
27th October - Marketing for Tourism - 0830-1010
28th October - Sustainable Tourism - 0830-1010

Friday, October 23

Fingers crossed.

 Hopefully this will pay off. *sighs.

Thursday, October 22

Just a little bit more.

Two papers down, four more to go. I actually didn't manage to re-read my notes cause the notes were all jumbled up and it was difficult for me to even reorganize it. *sighs. But nonetheless, I managed to pull it through with the whole paper.

Great news, we managed to get a distinction for our Marketing assignment. *wide smile.

As of now, I'm suppose to continue rewriting and reorganize what to read for Saturday's paper. *sigh.

17th October - Tour Operations 0830-1010
22nd October - Event Management - 0830-1010
24th October - Introduction to Management - 0830-1010
26th October - World Tourism - 0830-1010
27th October - Marketing for Tourism - 0830-1010
28th October - Sustainable Tourism - 0830-1010

In Need of Sleep.

I can't sleep, it is 3 in the morning and I have a freakin' paper to sit at 830 later, and I have not covered everything just yet. I dislike the notes given cause it is all jumbled up. *sighs. I think I'm still awake just because I'm a little worried about the paper and that I had coffee like 4-5 hours ago? *sighs.

Tuesday, October 20

Minshara Sayer.

A very happy birthday to you my girlfriend.
I miss you lots and we shall have a date very soon.
Love always, yours truly.

Sunday, October 18

Five More To Go.

Finals just started yesterday, and hey it went well I must say. Well, I won't be blogging as much around this time. Got reading to be done with. *smiles

17th October - Tour Operations 0830-1010
22nd October - Event Management - 0830-1010
24th October - Introduction to Management - 0830-1010
26th October - World Tourism - 0830-1010
27th October - Marketing for Tourism - 0830-1010
28th October - Sustainable Tourism - 0830-1010

Best of luck to final year students!

Wednesday, October 14

Monday, October 12


Something to go to on a Sunday!

Random Update.

Its the mid of October, and I've been given a lot of revision papers to do. *sighs. But it's okay, it gets me prepared and I'm determined that I can succeed with my final year. Not too confident now, but I am sure I could proceed to undertaking University level.

There's pretty much nothing to update but hey, keep on coming back for other random updates.

Thursday, October 8


As time goes by, in our journey, we'll always find that some friends fade away and you never hear from them again, but at the same time through the journey of our lives, we make new friends to make new memories.

Wednesday, October 7

Tuesday, October 6

It Has Been.

It seems like it has been ages since I last stepped on writing stuff, hasn't it?

My oh my, look at the time. It's October already, less than two months, 2009 is ending. Shitload of things have happened, both good and bad, and I'm not complaining.

My first week of October, started great. Attended the Sounds of Hope and it was worth it I must say. I've met new people last weekend and got reunited with old friends. It made me realize of how far things have gone, and I really appreciate the people around me.

It has been a year since I've slightly changed circles, and last weekend was a great one. I guess I needed it just to remind me who I am in other people's lives and to remind me who they are to me.

I really appreciate having those kind of circle of friends, or must I say family of friends in my life.

PS: Click this cause this means so much to a lot of people. A great singer-friend and a great adviser(sp?) friend did this.