Sunday, September 30

Rants here and there.

sunsets at home - I'll see you very soon.

Do you ever wonder whether what you're doing with your life is enough and what you really want for yourself? I know that everyone asks themselves at some point of their lives "What the hell am I doing?" and seems to be happening to me quite a number of time for the pass few months.

Being unsure whether this is what I want to do, whether I am doing the right thing and whatsoever. I think its all in the mind and the mind just fucks up with you and just stresses you out.

What I need is a breather - from being a responsible grown up (I think I am). It is tiring, being independent and having all these responsibilities to settle i.e. bills, rents, maintaining a vehicle, etc. Ohmygod!

So they all think its all fun and games being away from home, but its not. Never did, could say I didn't expect this is how I would be spending my time here. I guess, I'm just torn in between of wanting to enjoy life - relaxing by the beach, travel the world, see new things, new environment, new sights, new smells - and wanting to achieve that dream of earning shit loads of money - to do so, got to get the study ongoing. These two can't go hand in hand at this point of my uni life, seriously.

I guess, its true what they say, you have to struggle at first and it will all pay off - I hope so.