Tuesday, October 6

It Has Been.

It seems like it has been ages since I last stepped on writing stuff, hasn't it?

My oh my, look at the time. It's October already, less than two months, 2009 is ending. Shitload of things have happened, both good and bad, and I'm not complaining.

My first week of October, started great. Attended the Sounds of Hope and it was worth it I must say. I've met new people last weekend and got reunited with old friends. It made me realize of how far things have gone, and I really appreciate the people around me.

It has been a year since I've slightly changed circles, and last weekend was a great one. I guess I needed it just to remind me who I am in other people's lives and to remind me who they are to me.

I really appreciate having those kind of circle of friends, or must I say family of friends in my life.

PS: Click this cause this means so much to a lot of people. A great singer-friend and a great adviser(sp?) friend did this.

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