Sunday, June 7

Last night was a good great fun night out. :) Didn't attend for school, so i slept in. Picked Eyah from school, straight back home and showered. Picked up Nigga from his place, and headed to the boyfriend's place. As we - nigga and i reached, there he was, standing infront of the car with my cousin. And to our - nigga and i - shock, he got a cut, and it wasn't just a normal cut. He went bald. Hehe!

So we went off to cross the border to meet up with his friends. Had a couple of drinks and went back over to Gadong by 10ish. Met up with another cousin of mine and the rest again.

Went to the boyfriend's place for a bit and went home by 3. Eheh!


...and i feel happy having you around

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